Dear Diary,
My vacation week ended yesterday. I was kind of bummed out about it, but also really excited, because OZUKEIM said that the ban on the fish tank was lifted, too! Naturally, I went to check on the tank, and...
The kid was alive! Most of his wounds were healed, and his previously dismembered arm was replaced with a new arm made out of this weird staticy thing. Poor guy still has no eyes though. Oh well, atleast he's alive, I guess? And it's not like, mannequin alive either, where all it does is just aimlessly walk around. No, he seems to be fully sentient! He walks, he looks around, he uh.. cries. He cries alot. He also tries to break out alot. It's kind of sad to watch, but eh, I don't think I'm allowed to comment on that due to job regulations. OZUKEIM said that he'll make sure the kid doesn't cry soon enough, and to be honest, I heavily dislike the implications of that. But hey, maybe for once OZUKEIM isn't half-assing his words and ACTUALLY plans on making the kid happy! Yeahh, who am I kidding that kid's destined to live a horrible life from here on out. Welcome to the family, corpse kid!
On another note, OZUKEIM has apparently been doing some off-screen and out-of-fish-tank experiments. A few more of the corpses have went missing, and coincidentally, there's weird static kids running around the green void now. Unlike corpse kid though, these things are just completely made out of static. They also seem to have.. varying levels of intelligence. One of them just stands in place all day, and the other tried to bite me when I tried to take a closer look at it. Pissed me off a bit, I won't lie. OZUKEIM can make Frankensteins all he wants, but I'd appreciate if he atleast put the things on a damn leash!
Lastly, the cameras were reattached to the fish tank a few days back. Normally I wouldn't make mention of this, but I don't know where else I'd put this, so may aswell go with here. Here's a picture of the corpse kid I took with the cameras.
Poor guy seems really depressed. Oh well, he'll get used to it!